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Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon

Bronnadh na dTeastas / Half Term Presentation

13th Feb 2019

Tháinig muid uilig le chéile mar scoil iomlán le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar an mhéid oibre atá déanta againn go dtí seo i mbliana. Bhronn na múinteoirí teastais ar na páistí a raibh sár-obair déanta acu agus roghnaíodh duine ó gach rang le moladh ar leith a fháil ónár bPríomhoide Móna. Fuair beirt páiste corn ó Mhúinteoir Sinéad mar gheall ar an iarracht iontach atá déanta acu le Accelerated Reader. Tá cúpla milliúnaí inár measc!

We came together as a school today for our half-termly assembly and presentation of certificates. Each teacher presented certificates to the children in their classes, commending the high levels of Irish spoken in class along with great effort in Maths, English. Children were also rewarded for showing kindness and one child from each class received the Principal's award from Múinteoir Móna. Múinteoir Sinéad also presented cups to two pupils who have read over a million words in their Accelerated Reader books from the beginning of the year!