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Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon

Cileagram a Fhiosrú / Investigation Kilograms

14th Feb 2020

I Rang 4, bhí muid ag foghlaim faoi mheachán le déanaí. Rinne muid meastachán agus d’úsáid muid scalaí le fáil amach faoi rudaí a bhí cothrom le cileagram, níos troime agus níos éadroime ná cileagram. Bhí muid iontach maith ag comhoibriú lena chéile i ngrúpaí!

In Rang 4 we have recently been investigating weight in kilograms. We estimated and used scales to find out which items weighed approximately 1kg and those which were heavier or lighter than a kilogram.  We were great at working together in a group!