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The children who attended the Naíscoil last year will be returning to the Naíscoil for three days at the beginning of September, to allow them to finish their time at Naíscoil in a positive way and to prepare them for a smooth transition into Rang 1 at Gaelscoil. Therefore, our first new cohort of Naíscoil children will not commence their year at Naíscoil until Monday 7th September.
In line with our annual transition policy for the Naíscoil, the children in the new Naíscoil class will commence Naíscoil in small groups of 8 children. The first cohort of 8 children will begin at Naíscoil on Mon 7th Sept and will remain until 11am for their first week. From week 2 onwards, they will remain for the full session (until 12 noon). The second cohort will join the group on Mon 14th Sept and the third cohort will begin on Monday 21st Sept and will follow the same routine of remaining until 11am for their first week and until 12 noon from week 2 onwards.
If you feel that your child is particularly anxious or that they are finding it difficult to settle in, please speak with one of the Naíscoil staff (each group will have an allocated key worker) and we will do out utmost to support you and your child.
One parent from each family will be invited to bring their child to visit the Naíscoil on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September. Details of your child's individual start date and your induction session were issued in a letter which was posted to your home today (Monday 17th Aug).
We look forward to welcoming our new cohort of children and families to our Naíscoil community!
Go raibh maith agaibh!