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Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon

Feachtas na mBoscaí Bróg / Team Hope Shoe Box Appeal

26th Oct 2018

Thug an BBC cuairt ar an scoil inniu agus thaifead siad muid agus muid ag tabhairt isteach na boscaí bróg a d'ullmhaigh muid d'fheachtas 'Team Hope'. Bíonn 'Team Hope' ag cuidiú le páistí bochta ar fud ar domhain nach bhfaigheann bronntanas ag an Nollaig.

D'ullmhaigh na daltaí s'againne boscaí bróg agus chuir siad réimse de rudaí deasa isteach iontu do na páistí bochta. Ar an iomlán, thug daltaí Ghaelscoil Aodha Rua beagnach 200 bosca bróg isteach don fheachtas! Nach muid a bhí iontach cineálta! Is mór an gliondar a bheidh ar na páistí maidin na Nollag agus iad ag oscailt na mbronntanas!

Rinneadh agallaimh le daltaí Rang 7 agus le Múinteoir Móna agus beidh muid le feiceáil ar chlár 'I Lár an Aonaigh' ar an teilifís Dé Luain 17 Nollaig @ 10pm.

The BBC visited Gaelscoil Aodha Rua today to film our pupils as they submitted the shoe box gifts for the 'Team Hope' appeal. 'Team Hope' help under-privileged children across the world who would not usually receive a gift at Christmas.

Our pupils filled their shoe boxes with a range range of goodies, which will be greatly appreciated by those less fortunate children at Christmas time. Overall, we donated almost 200 shoe boxes to the appeal! We were overwhlmed by the kindness shown by our pupils and are sure that the children who receive the gifts will be delighted!

Our Rang 7 pupils and Múinteoir Móna were interviewed and the BBC and the show will go on air on Monday 17th December @ 10pm. 

We really enjoyed this experience and we are looking forward to watching 'I lár an Aonaigh' and seeing ourselves on television!