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Gaelscoil Aodha Rua, Dungannon

Rang 7 ag obair leis an Scáileán Glas / Rang 7 working with the 'Green Screen'

16th Dec 2019

Bhí an t-ádh dearg ar Rang 7 go bhfuair siad cuireadh ó Mr Tennyson i Scoil Iósaef teacht chuig an scoil agus obair a dhéanamh ar an Scáileán Glas, bunaithe an topaic s'acu. Faoi láthair, tá Rang 7 ag foghlaim faoin 'Ocras Mór', agus bhí an deis acu a gcuid foghlama a léiriú trí fhíseán a dhéanamh ag baint úsáide as na háiseanna iontacha sa tseomra drámaíochta i Scoil Iósaef. D'fhoghlaim siad faoin dóigh a n-úsáidtear an scáileán glas i scannáin le maisíocht a chruthú agus sa tseomra nuachta le cuidiú linn leis an aimsir. Bhain muid an-sult agus an-tairbhe as an cheacht ar an scáileán glas.

Rang 7 were invited out to Scoil Iósaef, Donaghmore, to learn how to work with a 'green screen' in relation to their current topic. As Rang 7 are focusing on 'The Great Hunger' at the moment, they had the opportunity to piece together their learning so far and to make a short video using the green screen backdrop in Donaghmore's amazing drama suite facilities. They learned how the green screen is used in films to create special effects and how it is used in the newsroom to help us with the weather forecast. We learnt a lot from this lesson on the green screen and really enjoyed it.