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Saineolaithe ar an Ghrianchóras i Rang 7 - Solar System Experts in Rang 7
Tá téama nua againn i Rang 7 - An Grianchóras. Tá muid ag fiosrú faoi na pláinéid éagsúla inár réaltra agus bhí deis ag gach duine bheith ag déanamh taighde ar phláinéad amháin agus an t-eolas sin a roinnt leis an rang. Tá an chuma ar an scéal gur thug cuid againn cuairt ar an phláinéad sin leis an taighde a dhéanamh!
We have begun a new topic in Rang 7 - The Solar System. We have been investigating the various planets (and dwarf planets) in our galaxy and we have been given the opportunity to do some independent research on a planet and to share this with our classmates. By doing this, we are working collaboratively and learning from eachother. By the looks of some of the pictures, some of us appear to have travelled to space for the research!